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With Love, From Accomplice

Sarah Thomas   |   Feb 17, 2017

Relationships are unique, complicated, and when done right, extremely rewarding. Client relationships are no different. But, have you ever stopped to think about what makes a good client relationship? I’m talking hit a home-run, out of the park, good kind of client relationship. The type of relationship that makes you get up in the morning excited to work. There’s something about the synergy of a good client relationship that makes the work seem less like work and more like a common mission. Those relationships are amazing, right?

It’s been more than fun, it’s been an adventure.

So with today being Valentine’s Day, we took some time to think about what a healthy client relationship looks like and what, really, makes it just so good. Turns out, the success and stability of an effective working relationship aren’t too much different from the way you treat yours truly…

  1. Mutual Respect. I’m talking about the level of mutual respect that recognizes that we all have something valuable to bring to the table. A type of respect that transforms a relationship into a true partnership.
  2. Common Mission. When we take on an initiative, we adopt your mission as our very own. We are driven by getting you through the finish line. The thing is, we are on the same team. We are working towards the same exact end result. And we take that very, very seriously.
  3. Clear Communication. Communication makes everything work better. Keeping a consistent, open communication policy just takes the guesswork out of the work altogether. Clients know what to expect and when, and as your team, we know if the target changes or moves even the slightest bit.
  4. Trust. This one seems a bit obvious, but the truth is–we get that relinquishing the reigns to your long-term goal or even just opening the goal up for new individuals to weigh in on it, can be difficult. We get it. But leading the working relationship with trust lays the groundwork for mutual respect and opens the door for clear communication.

But alas, just like most relationships, not all client relationships are a breeze. When the client relationship is missing mutual respect, a common mission, clear communication, trust, or the qualities are just out of balance, the relationship becomes…well…complicated. In these types of relationships, the work can suffer. And that for us — is a deal-breaker. Which is why we don’t climb into bed with just anyone –we are selective. We value chemistry with our clients. We expect the relationship to be mutually beneficial for both of us. We move beyond the typical- superficial client-agency relationship and work to establish a partnership with our clients, marked by the solidarity in the common goal, your goal. We establish partnerships because we believe that partnerships create the opportunity for collaboration and open the door for a better understanding of true value and experience. We know that healthy client relationships don’t just make the meetings easier or the work more fun, but the product of collaboration is successful sustainability and the collective movement forward.

And fortunately for us, we’ve worked with a lot of different kinds of clients over the years. All incredible in their own right. We’ve been lucky that our portfolio is full of these amazing partnerships, the good kind. And for each one, we are thankful for the memories of all of our collaborative efforts, our design and development sprints, and our research and strategy sessions. We’ve shared more than a few meetings and late nights. And to be honest, we wouldn’t change a thing. It’s been more than fun, it’s been an adventure. And to our clients, our partners in crime, today is for you — thank you for choosing us as your partner and making our job, less like a job and more like a calling.

With Love, From Accomplice


Accomplice specializes in creating consumer experiences for today’s brands – from digital to physical spaces. Visit our website to learn more about the Accomplice team.

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